About Me

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Hikaru, and I am currently in Ghana as a JICA volunteer. I am Japanese, but have a very international background. This is my first time in Africa, though, so I am hoping to learn as much as I can during my two-year stay here! Hope you enjoy my blog :) 私のブログへようこそ!ガーナに青年海外協力隊員として派遣されている「ひかる」と申します。国籍も心も日本人ですが、海外生まれ海外育ちで少し異色なバックグラウンドを持っています。アフリカに住むのは初めてなので、ここにいる2年間の間にたくさん吸収したいと思っています。是非気軽にブログを読んでください!^^

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hooray for Women! / 女性万歳!

Why is it so hard to be a woman. I am proud to be a woman, and I’ve never wanted to be a man in my life. And I am sure that men have their own troubles and worries as men. But as I meet women from all over the world and see how they live, there are many times when I cannot help but wonder why it is so hard to be a woman.


My neighbor Memona (who I introduced in a previous blog), her daughter Aisha and... I don't know who the boy is
The Ghanaian women around me are all strong, beautiful, cheerful and hard-working. Ghanaian women work very hard since childhood. They wake up at 4:30 to pray and fetch water, cook for everyone in the family, clean the house, go to school and come home to cook dinner. While most boys are playing soccer in the evening, the girls are helping with chores. In the weekend they spend a whole day washing loads of dirty clothes, and their fun times involve going to market or chatting while washing. Since most families don’t have washing machines, washing clothes take hours, and it also takes at least 2 hours to prepare food.


Ms. Fatima cooking. When I asked for a picture
she got worried that I was going home soon.
A very kind lady!
Many adult women work, and while I think it is nice that more women are out of the house working compared to Japan, this does not mean that their husbands help with household chores, so in the end, the women do everything from child-rearing to cooking.


There are many polygamous families in the northern regions of Ghana, partly due to the large number of Muslims that live here. There are many households where the father lives with multiple wives and their respective children. I really respect the fact that the children all take good care of each other despite complex family situations, even though for them that may just be normal behavior…


Lately I have had a few chances to have one-on-one conversations with women of my age, but I have been taken by surprise many times by stories that I would have never expected from the cheerful attitudes of these women. One friend was talking about her wonderful boyfriend, when all of a sudden she says “but you can never count on men”. When I asked why she thinks so, she explained that her father had four wives. Since she fundamentally doesn’t trust men, she says that she does not expect anything from them. And yet, as the oldest child she cares for her stepsiblings and talks about how she misses her boyfriend. Another friend was treated awfully by her husband, another was forsaken by her family… Despite the traumatizing experiences that some of them have had, in my eyes they are all beautiful because they continue to live with bright smiles, looking towards bright futures.  
最近、同年代の女性とゆっくり話す機会が何度かあったのですが、いつも笑顔でいる彼女たちの思いもよらない話に何度も驚かされています。大好きな彼の話をしていたのに、突然「でも男なんてあてにならない」と言うお友達。なぜそう思うのか聞いてみると、彼女の父親には4人奥さんがいたそうです。根本的に男を信用していないから、期待もしないという彼女。それでも、長女として異母兄弟を大事にし、彼に会いたいと話す友達。夫にひどい目にあった友達、家族に見放された友達・・・ 言葉を失う様な体験をしていても、笑顔で美しく、前を向いている彼女たちが本当に眩しく見えます。

Of course, this situation is not unique to Ghana. There are women facing similar problems all over the world, whether they live in a “developed” or “developing” country. Career, marriage, children… these are all issues that women around the globe worry over at least once in their lifetime.
My landlord's wife, Zifau, and her second son Salis.
We are the same age, but she always takes good care of me!

Cheers to the wonderful women in the world who face reality no matter what situation they find themselves in, do not give up on their dreams, and move forward with smiles on their faces!

もちろん、こういった状況はガーナ特有の話ではありません。「先進国」と言われる国でも「発展途上国」でも、同じ様な問題を抱える女性は多くいます。仕事や結婚、育児・・・ 世界中の女性が一度は悩むことでしょう。


Monday, June 4, 2012



(From Wikipedia)

Twenty-eight is a harmonic divisor number, a happy number, a triangular number, a hexagonal number, and a centered nonagonal number.


Today, June 4th, is my birthday. It is still the 3rd in Ghana, but it is already the 4th at my birthplace, Hong Kong, so I am going to say “today”.
I turned 28 this year. I never imagined that I would spend my 28th birthday in Ghana, so it is definitely a strange feeling!

One day, I will eat a star cake like this!

The other day, I was thinking back to the time when I was 18 years old, and according to my life plan at the time, I was supposed to graduate at 22, go straight into graduate school and get my master’s degree at 24, of course meet a wonderful boyfriend somewhere along the way and marry at 26. We were supposed to spend two wonderful years together on our own before bearing my first child at 28. My career would be going very well, and I would take maternal leave to take care of my baby… according to my plans.
18-year old Hikaru: “Well, if you think about the female body, it would be best to have my first child before hitting 30, but it would be too sad if you get married and have kids right away and don’t have time to enjoy married life without kids…”


Dear Miss 18-year old Hikaru. Please give me some of that amazing (and scary) imagination and optimism.
If I told you that actually, at 28, I am still single, my career has only started, that I am alone in a remote area of Ghana and spending my birthday there, you would probably not believe me at all.


Maybe if I had done some things differently, made some different choices here and there between 18 and 28, I might have lived exactly the way that I had planned. And that might have been a happy life in its own way. But, I’m pretty happy with the path that I chose and am walking on now. It’s hard and difficult because it isn’t going as planned, but it has also brought me a lot of joy. A character in a movie I watched recently said “Love never comes the way it’s supposed to. But that’s why it’s wonderful”, and I feel the same can be said about life.


Anyways, every year, I make the same vow on my birthday, which is to spend the next year such that when the next June 4th comes I can say that “I like the me now more than the me last year” with pride. I like the 2012 me better than the 2011 me. And I am going to work hard so I like the 2013 me even more. If I continue in this manner, by the time I am 100 years old, I am going to be one self-loving, self-obsessive grandmother!


May all my readers around the world be spending a wonderful June 4th, wherever you are.