About Me

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Hikaru, and I am currently in Ghana as a JICA volunteer. I am Japanese, but have a very international background. This is my first time in Africa, though, so I am hoping to learn as much as I can during my two-year stay here! Hope you enjoy my blog :) 私のブログへようこそ!ガーナに青年海外協力隊員として派遣されている「ひかる」と申します。国籍も心も日本人ですが、海外生まれ海外育ちで少し異色なバックグラウンドを持っています。アフリカに住むのは初めてなので、ここにいる2年間の間にたくさん吸収したいと思っています。是非気軽にブログを読んでください!^^

Monday, December 31, 2012

Final thoughts for 2012 / 2012年最後の思い

It’s finally the last day of 2012, and my last blog update for the year.

This year was a very intense year for me.
I met many new people, and faced many new challenges.
I let go of a lot of ideals that I was holding on to. Instead, I placed more importance on those that I decided to keep.
I struggled, made mistakes, and did some stupid things.
But I also found what I am capable of doing, and became more confident.
In the future, when I look back, I am sure I will think of 2012 as my Turning Point.


My last thought for the year, after all these experiences, is that in the end, you are the one that decides your life.

The other day, I went with my coworker to a small community, to hold a meeting on hygiene education. My coworker explained the importance of hand washing, etc. to the people of the community. Ghana, in general, is lacking water and latrines, and with the gap in education levels, hygiene is becoming a big problem. Even in urban areas, you can see people drying their clothes on the ground, or defecating openly. Of course, there is not going to be a complete solution to this problem unless enough latrines are built and enough water is available to wash hands, but even if these are built there is no use if people do not consciously use them, so we hold meetings like these often.


After the meeting, one of the community members told us that he wants to build a latrine for his household, and asked us for advice on where to build it. We all went to his house to better advise him, but when I saw his house I automatically smiled.

It wasn’t a particularly special house. It was made from dirt walls just like other houses, and was not bigger or smaller: really a normal house. The only thing that separated this house from others was that it was very clean.

The little garden in front of the house was neatly fenced with dry sticks, and inside chicks and hens were running around amongst tomatoes and peppers. The small stall used to shower had separate slippers for shower-use. A rope was tied to a tree branch to hang clothes, and the whole house was kept clean. If you took a picture, it really looked like a small house in the countryside.


The man’s income is average in the community. But I felt that because he decided to change his priorities on how he wants to use his money, his lifestyle became just a little bit richer.

I am a realist at heart, so I cannot say that “Your thoughts alone can change the world”. In order to live a “better” life you need money, luck, education, good relations, and many other things. Working hard doesn’t ensure happiness. Money doesn’t ensure happiness. But saying that “You can be happy without money” is also a lie.

But even considering that, I think that people who think about how they want to live, and act on it from their own realms are amazing and wealthy. Of course, I know that there are many people in the world that cannot live that way for various reasons. But, having seen the ways of life of many, many people, I still think that that is how I want to live, and I want to support people that live that way too.


Many 2013 be a wonderful and fulfilling year for everybody!

Monday, November 5, 2012

How to Complain / 愚痴のこぼしかた

In Japan and many other countries around the world, people who don’t complain seem to be regarded as serious and hardworking, i.e. good people. That image is strong in my head too, so whenever I complain about something I end up regretting it afterwards, feeling that I’ve said too much, yet again.


However, once I started working in the “real world”, I started thinking that perhaps complaining is a sign that you are serious about something. You ask the “Why”s because you are seriously thinking about it. And as you start thinking of the “Why”s, you come up with other questions, and at times you get irritated, and then you complain because you think that things could be better “if only”!


Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can just complain as much as you want. Every society dislikes people that complain without taking any action. But, I think it is possible that if you are working hard on something and you complain, as you talk about it with someone you may find some new ideas, or even change your mind.


One thing I have been careful of since I came to Ghana is the “Local production and consumption” of complaints. If something upsets me, I first go to my colleagues at my assignment and tell them “This is what happened yesterday…” Then, the conversation usually runs as follows: “Oh, that’s terrible!” “Isn’t it? I was surprised too.” “Oh, don’t mind them, forget about it.” Then I usually end up feeling better about it.


Sometimes there are small discoveries. When I speak in Waali (the local language), there are times when the other person laughs at me even though I’m pretty sure I’m saying things correctly. This makes me worried that I might be wrong, but also a bit annoyed because I wish they wouldn’t laugh at me… but according to my boss, they laugh because it’s correct. He says that Ghanaians love to correct other people’s mistakes, so if I was wrong, they would tell me. But if I’m right, they get surprised that a foreigner got it right and they start laughing. (By the way, other people said the same thing to me later on so I think this is true.)


“Local production and consumption of complaints (LPCC for short)” helps to find out cultural differences lie this, but there’s another reason why I choose to do this: to not dislike Ghanaians. There are days when I am unlucky and meet annoying people at once, and I start wondering whether all Ghanaians are like them. If I end up complaining to people from Japan or other countries only, then we would just conclude with “Ghanaians are strange”. In other words, I would be separating “Them” and “Me”.


However, just as I would hate it if someone thought that all Japanese were horrible because of one person’s rude action, I also don’t want to think that all Ghanaians are the same. This is why I practice “LPCC”.


But…there are days when even my closest friends at the office won’t understand why I’m upset, or certain issues are simply foreigner-centric. Those times I do end up talking a little bit to my best friends or other volunteers.


That’s how I’ve been releasing the ever-building stress, and refreshing my mind for tomorrow.


Thank you so much to all the wonderful people who always listen to my stories.

But then again… I do wish I could mature a bit more so I can decrease the number of whines and complaints!


とは言いつつ・・・ 願わくばもう少し大人になって愚痴の数は減らしたいな。

Well. Now that the extremely busy months (Aug – Oct) is over and I have more time to breathe, I will really keep my promise and start updating my blog more often!

So, sneak preview of the next blog:  Interesting Roads in Ghana
Coming soon!


と言うわけで、次回予告: ガーナの面白道路

Thursday, October 18, 2012

不満足 / Unsatisfied



Good evening, dear readers.

I wondered whether it would be appropriate to write about something serious after not updating my blog for so long… but I feel that if I don’t write down my thoughts today then I will forget them again, so I have decided to write it (partly for my own record).

ガーナに来て半年が経ちました。その間、本当に毎日様々なことが起きるので飽きることもなく、全力で突っ走ってきました。生活に慣れてきて、ご近所付き合いが少し上手になってきて、現地語が少しずつ理解できるようになって、友達や知り合いが増えて、仕事の量も増えて・・・ 家族や友人にメールを書く度に「充実した日々を送っています」と書いて、実際そう感じていました。


Half a year has passed since I arrived in Ghana. During this time, every day has been so eventful and active, and I’ve been running full speed. I feel more comfortable with life, I get along better with my neighbors, I am starting to understand the local language better, I have more friends and acquaintances, I have more work… so every time I write an e-mail to my friends and family, I have been writing “I am living very fulfilling days” and in fact, I honestly felt that way too.

However, even though my days were supposed to be fulfilling, in reality there were days when I was so stressed and tired. I wondered whether I should just keep going in this manner, but I erased those thoughts from my mind.



Then one day, I was speaking to a coworker about a proposal that we are currently writing at our NGO, and was telling him that I want to edit our proposal to make it better. My coworker said, “It’s already a good document compared to what other NGOs wrote so it should be okay” to which I replied “It doesn’t matter whether it’s better or worse compared to others, what is more important is whether we are satisfied with the document or not!”

After saying such cocky words to somebody else… I realize now that I can say the same thing to myself.



Right now, I am in a very fortunate environment. There are no major inconveniences in my life, I work with a great team at work, and recently some important jobs have been given to me. I’m so busy that I almost wish I had more free time. Thinking about other volunteers who are facing more dire situations, I felt like I shouldn't complain, and that I should be happy with status quo.

But being grateful and being satisfied are two different things.


It is important to determine whether you are satisfied with your condition now, whether it is better or worse than somebody else’s. The same can be said about our office and its activities. The NGO that I am assigned to is a very professional organization that does wonderful work. But, of course, it is not perfect. Just because they do great things compared to some other Ghanaian organizations, if they become satisfied there then there will not be any room for growth. I should ask questions when needed. I should state when I think something is wrong. I should agree when I think something is correct. Obviously! You may think… but it gets harder and harder to do the obvious when you get accustomed to a place.


The CEO of a company where I worked in used to say “If there is no change, people do not grow. The biggest obstacle to growth is routine”. He was a little bit extreme and used to change company rules every 3 months (even if there was no need). Every time I got used to a new rule, it would change to a different one, so of course there were times when I was confused or upset. However, that experience also taught me to be flexible in dealing with issues, and made me more confident.



I should always be looking for room for improvement, whilst still being grateful for what I have. I think I had been forgetting to think this way recently.

People say that new drivers become more prone to accidents when they start getting used to driving, but I think that can also be said about “living”. 6 months since my arrival in Ghana. I want to remain critical and observant, without being satisfied with status quo because “that’s how it is”. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

飽きない日々 / Never Bored

Dear readers... it has really been a while.

Those of you who were wondering if I'm alive: I'm alive!
Sorry that my update is extremely delayed.
There are a thousand things I want to write about, but I will write them bit by bit (or "small small", as we say in Ghana). Please wait patiently.

Just to give an overview of my last month...

1) Mid-August, I went to the capital for an All-Volunteers meeting.
Got to talk to a lot of my seniors, met my 2 colleagues from the same batch, and also met the new volunteers that arrived in late June. 


2) I visited Upper East Region.
I saw beautiful starry skies in Navrongo, walked up to the Burkina Faso border in Paga, "rode" a crocodile, and made a colorful coaster in Nyariga town (famous for basket weaving).


3) I took a bus from Upper East Region to Upper West Region.
We rode forever in the Savannah, on unpaved roads for 8 hours.
The driver was going on full speed on bumpy roads (muddy since it's rainy season now). My friend and I who were sitting on the back seat "flew up" a few times!
Definitely an "African" road! (but not sure if I want to do it again...)


4) I went to the hospital.
Since the beginning of August, I lost a lot of energy, got a high fever, got sick, got a loose stomach... so I consulted the Health Administrator in JICA and agreed to go to the regional hospital located in Wa. It wasn't anything serious, and once I made sure to drink more fluids I recovered quickly, but it was an interesting experience. On a side note, it was nice to speak Spanish again with a Cuban doctor.


5) I got locked in the office bathroom.
The bathroom lock was becoming a bit weak, but to save money we had been keeping it that way, when finally one day, when I tried to get out the key went "crack...."!
The office men who heard the noise came with hammers and things, and yelled "Hikaru! Don't worry, we will save you!" and rescued me in around 10 minutes.
The next day, we got a new lock, and everybody told me, "Thanks to you, they decided to spend the money!"




So as you can see, I am never bored here.
Each of these bullets have a story to them, but that will have to wait til later...

My assignment is quite busy, and everyday I am busy following guidelines.
There is a lot to think about, but I am grateful for my experiences.

Well then, see you again soon. This time, I really will write!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Ramadan / ラマダーン

In my last blog, I wrote that I will be fasting on Fridays since this is the month of Ramadan in Islam. I want to share what I thought and felt. 

I’ve received some feedback regarding my decision to “experience” Islam, ranging from positive to negative. Some people pointed out that religion is not something to “experience” in this manner. Some also raised their concern that my actions could lead people to think that I am trying to convert. But the most frequent question I got was “Why?”

I really appreciate all your voices and concerns. Religion is a very personal and intense issue so I can understand why my action raised a lot of questions and concerns.  




I don’t know if participating was right or wrong. I think there are different ways of looking at it. The reason why most people don’t actively participate in religious activities is precisely because there is so much grey area, and the safest method is to not take part.

My conclusion, though, is that I am glad that I decided to participate.



Before explaining my conclusion, let me first explain how my day went last Friday. As instructed by my coworker, I woke up at 4am before dawn, cooked my first meal of the day and ate. I wasn’t really sure how my body will cope with a long fast, so I ended up making a very Japanese meal… once I cleaned up, my fasting started.


Our office has a mix of Christians and Muslims, so half the staff are fasting while the other half aren’t. One of my coworkers, Yunus, has become my teacher in regards to Islam, and likes to tell me many aspects of the religion, from its historical background to what he believes are the core values. He even printed out some verses from the Koran which talk about the fast so I could learn.

What I like about Yunus is that he fully understands that I am not currently planning to convert, but he is still open about sharing his knowledge on Islam. He is really deeply hurt by a lot of the negative imagery and misconceptions that the media has created regarding Muslims around the world. Although he complains about the media, he also believes that part of the reason why Muslims are getting a bad name is because the religion can be a bit exclusive sometimes. He prefers that I form my own opinion through actually experiencing the practice and talking to various people about its values, which is why he has been very helpful throughout.


With my friend Rabi

The day actually flew quickly, and before I knew it the sun had started to set, and it was time to break the fast. I had originally intended to break the fast alone, but my other coworker, Rabi, invited me to break the fast with her so she can show me how it is done. Rabi is a good friend of mine who always takes good care of me. She quickly arranged for a place and time to meet, got a veil ready so I could cover myself, showed me how to clean myself, and took me to pray.


We broke the fast with dried figs, oranges, hot liquid and fried bean cakes called Kose. Apparently fruits and warm liquids are good to break the fast because your stomach is weak from fasting all day. After we ate a little bit, everybody got ready and prayed. We then took a short break, and went into a second session of long prayer.

Dried fig

To be honest, when I first realized that Rabi was taking me to pray I was a little bit uncomfortable and nervous, because I wasn’t sure if I was crossing the line and if it would offend anybody else who does not know me. To my surprise, everybody was really welcoming and let me participate without asking any questions. I can’t really explain it, but as we all stood there and prayed towards the sky together, I felt the atmosphere of respect and reverence around me and it really made me think about an almighty power.


The fasting on its own was important, of course, but I think I gained a lot from joining in prayers. To be honest, I have had many Muslims friends since childhood and I had studied it in religion classes before so I had started believing that I knew a lot about it. But along the way, I think that I was also influenced by some of the media portrayals and Islam became a far-away religion for me. Again, I can’t explain myself very well, but participating in the fast and the prayers, even just for a day, made me feel a little closer to the religion. I’m inspired to learn more so I could perhaps get rid of some misconceptions that have crept into my mind in recent years.


I don’t think I would have even thought of participating, however, if it was not for the open-mindedness and friendliness of the Wa community. Of course, there are some people that want me to convert, but in general most people are not pushy, and just appreciate it when you make even a small effort to try to learn or understand. This friendly atmosphere may be another reason why I felt the way I did.


Of course, I don’t mean to say that I now have a deeper understanding of Islam just in a day or two. As one of my friend put it, religion is not something you can “experience”, and I think she is right. All I can say is that it helped me to change my perspective slightly, which, for me, was a really significant change personally.


One thing I have decided is that I am not going to take pictures of prayers. In a town with many Muslims, it is quite a beautiful sight to see so many people in prayer especially in the evening, so many foreigners like to take pictures. I don’t condemn people who do it, but personally after getting a glimpse of the importance of prayer for every Muslim and the emotion and thought that goes behind it, I can’t get myself to take a picture of it.


Finally, I wanted to write down something that Yunus had said to me when I saw him the following week, which really stuck in my head. After we had a discussion of what I had felt and learned from fasting, he told me that he has also been learning and observing other religions, not only to learn about others but to reflect on his own religion. He asked me, “Hikaru, by experiencing fasting and taking part in our prayers, hasn’t this made you think about your own religion and beliefs?”

In the process of trying to learn and get closer to others, it seems that I have also been searching some answers for myself.



Friday, July 27, 2012

Uneasiness / 胸騒ぎ

**I edited the portion regarding Ramadan, after getting feedback from a friend. I apologize if anybody was upset or offended by what I wrote earlier**


Sunday two weeks ago, I was washing my clothes out front as usual when I happened to look up at the sky and suddenly felt uneasy. It was the type of uneasiness you feel when something is about to happen, but you are not sure if it is good or bad. At the time I didn’t think much of it, but now that I look back that uneasiness could have been a premonition of all the big and little things that were about to happen.


First, a scary incident happened in this peaceful town of Wa. Late at night, two Peace Corps volunteers that were heading home from a wedding party were attacked by two robbers. One robber was armed with a knife and injured the volunteer’s shoulder. The volunteer, feeling threatened, took out his own knife and stabbed the robber. The knife hit a critical spot and the robber died.


A few days later, a shooting incident happened in the US. A man suddenly started firing during a late-night showing of the latest Batman movie, and 12 audience members died. One of the deceased had just survived another shooting in Toronto a few weeks back.


Then two days ago, while I was working in the office things suddenly became noisy, and we found out that President Mills of Ghana had passed away. He had been suffering from throat cancer for some time, but he was supposed to run for office in the presidential elections in December, and had just celebrated his 68th birthday last weekend.


During this time, I also heard all kinds of news from friends and family, ranging from really joyous news to terribly sad news.


I wasn’t actually directly involved in any of these news stories. I never met the volunteers that were attacked in Wa, and none of my acquaintances were attacked at the Colorado shooting. I also never met the President of Ghana.

Even still, as I took in everything like a sponge whenever a new incident happened, it really made me think a lot.



This may be an ordinary reaction, but all of these events really made me think about how fragile life is. The ordinary, mundane things suddenly become extraordinary one day. That change can be exciting at times, and difficult at others. What you decide today could change how you live tomorrow. This thought can give you hope, and also frighten you.


Maybe I’m thinking too much into things because I’ve been so busy lately and I’m tired. At any rate, I had taken in too much to handle, so I snuck out of the office today, sat under my favorite mango tree nearby, and relaxed for a bit, watching the sky above and looking at cows grazing in the field. This helped me to clear my head a little.


It’s not like I found an answer to life, but there is something that I thought of while I absentmindedly watched the calm air surrounding me.

I want to value the “present”. I want to value and love all the wonderful treasures that I have now. I don’t know if that makes a difference at the end. But, I think this is how I choose to live.



Very recently, someone very dear to me wrote me and said at the end of her message “Keep being YOU!” I can’t think of any other phrase that could make me happier. There are so many things to think about and feel in Ghana, but I’m realizing that I am learning a lot more about “me” than I had originally expected.


There is one more thing that I’ve decided. A few days I go, I got to see my favorite nephews and nieces on Skype. The next time I will see them is probably in two years. In order to meet them again with a big smile, I would like to stay healthy and satisfied with life while I am here.


Since last week, Ramadan has started in Islam. Ramadan (if I am understanding it correctly) is a time for introspection and reflecting on the values of Islam through self-discipline and control. Fasting is one method for self control. Since many Muslims live in Wa, a lot of my colleagues and friends have started fasting during the day. You are not supposed to eat or drink from dawn to sunset (around 4 am to 6:30 pm), after which you are allowed to break the fast.

I have decided to experience the fast for a day. Even though I am not planning to convert to Islam,  I feel I will learn something (or at least give me an opportunity for self-reflection) through this experience. I also feel that it is about time I learn more about the religion and its practices after being friends with so many Muslims since childhood.

I will update you on how it goes!




Sunday, July 15, 2012

守る人、利用する人 / The Protectors and the Users




It has been a while since my last update! Things suddenly got busy since last month, and all of a sudden it was already mid-July. There were so many things that I wanted to write during this time, so I would like to be a bit better about updating from now on.

Anyways, since I wrote about Ghanaian women last time, today’s theme is Ghanaian men. Not long after I got to Wa, a man that I met in our office said the following to me:
“There are only two types of Ghanaian men: those who try to protect you, and those who try to use you.”

At first, I thought “Isn’t that what you can say to everyone in the world?” but now I understand it to mean that this trend is particularly easy to see with men in Ghana.

My colleagues Elvis(L), Stephen(R) and their friend Cornelius (C)

Almost any foreigner who has come to Ghana has surely experienced marriage proposals. I get confessed to so often that I am almost worried that I’ll use up all my popular energy here! I’ve had the same conversation so many times on the streets “White lady, come here.” “I like you very much. I want to marry you”. “Take me to Japan when you go”. Furthermore, Ghanaian men like to flower you words as sweet as honey. Here are some of the more surprising lines:
“I’m always thinking about you, I can’t sleep”
“Why are you walking alone! I was so worried that something would happen to you that my heart was beating fast”
“Your voice is like a guitar playing”
etc. etc. Even writing it makes me blush.
There are some people that say things that will most certainly be categorized as sexual harassment in the US or Japan, so I think in my head “You would get arrested if you say that anywhere else~” but I reject the offers with smiles. If you take it seriously, you lose!


What is interesting is that not all of the proposers are necessarily the “User” type. Some of them are just joking, or doing it as a kind of ritual when they first meet a white person, and then don’t ever repeat that again and greet you with smiles every day after that. These people are surprisingly “Protector” types, and they worry about you if you don’t look well, offer you afternoon tea, and teach the local language. On the other hand, there are those who lose interest when you dump them once and never say anything again. These people are probably Users and feel you are no longer useful after that first conversation.

Men in smocks (traditional clothing) in the office

Some of my readers may be wondering why I bother with them at all. But in order to live in a small city with very few foreigners, you need everybody’s help. That’s why I make it a point to greet anyone who says hi to me, at least for the first time. Most people don’t come after me. Besides, other people seeing how I act often have a good impression of me.




In fact, it seems many “whites” just ride off on their motorcycles and bikes, or ignore the calls and just walk off, so when I greet them they are often surprised. I once had an interesting experience. This happened when two men called out to me from their seats in front of a shop, and I went to say hi as usual. After asking how long I will be here and what my job is, they then started on the “Are you married” questions so I (as usual) introduced my “boyfriend waiting for me in Japan”. Now, when this boyfriend is introduced I am often met by “I’m more handsome than him” “He’s probably cheating on you in Japan” or “Then you should have another boyfriend in Ghana”. That day too, the man started saying “Do you know what he’s doing in Japan now” so I replied “Yeah yeah, he’s probably fooling around with another girl”, but upon hearing my reply one of the men became uneasy. He then said “No, that’s not true. You are a good person so he will wait for you” so I was really surprised.

I am not entirely sure, but it seems that stories like cheating are considered jokes if they say it, but it’s no longer a joke if I say it so he felt bad. Furthermore, since most foreigners don’t come when called but I did, that made me a good person in their eyes.

By the way, these men were Protectors” after all, and since then they say hi to me whenever I pass by on the way to work.
Our Director, Martin, who bought pork for me since I worked hard that week (Pork is not common in Wa!)

There are many reasons why I feel lucky regarding my assignment, but one of them is the fact that the male staff of the NGO I work with, starting with the Director himself, are all Protector types. The Director is the best of all, as he not only cares about my house, but makes sure that I am not having to do too much work in the office, invites me to tennis in case I am bored, calls when I am sick and threatens to take me to the doctor if my fever doesn’t go down by noon, checks where I buy my food to make sure it is safe, and last week when I went on a business trip, called my colleague Erasmus (who was driving) and warned him not to speed “because Hikaru is in the car”.

My colleague Erasmus explaining the Water System Project


Erasmus himself is protective. When we found out that he has to go to a different town during the trip, he called three of his friends to ask that they take care of me while I am alone in town, and prepared rides for me to get to my meeting place. Since we got back close to midnight last night from our trip, he called today to check if I am feeling okay.

Being protected by such thoughtful men, I am living really peacefully here.
In fact…. I wish there were more men like this in Japan :P

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hooray for Women! / 女性万歳!

Why is it so hard to be a woman. I am proud to be a woman, and I’ve never wanted to be a man in my life. And I am sure that men have their own troubles and worries as men. But as I meet women from all over the world and see how they live, there are many times when I cannot help but wonder why it is so hard to be a woman.


My neighbor Memona (who I introduced in a previous blog), her daughter Aisha and... I don't know who the boy is
The Ghanaian women around me are all strong, beautiful, cheerful and hard-working. Ghanaian women work very hard since childhood. They wake up at 4:30 to pray and fetch water, cook for everyone in the family, clean the house, go to school and come home to cook dinner. While most boys are playing soccer in the evening, the girls are helping with chores. In the weekend they spend a whole day washing loads of dirty clothes, and their fun times involve going to market or chatting while washing. Since most families don’t have washing machines, washing clothes take hours, and it also takes at least 2 hours to prepare food.


Ms. Fatima cooking. When I asked for a picture
she got worried that I was going home soon.
A very kind lady!
Many adult women work, and while I think it is nice that more women are out of the house working compared to Japan, this does not mean that their husbands help with household chores, so in the end, the women do everything from child-rearing to cooking.


There are many polygamous families in the northern regions of Ghana, partly due to the large number of Muslims that live here. There are many households where the father lives with multiple wives and their respective children. I really respect the fact that the children all take good care of each other despite complex family situations, even though for them that may just be normal behavior…


Lately I have had a few chances to have one-on-one conversations with women of my age, but I have been taken by surprise many times by stories that I would have never expected from the cheerful attitudes of these women. One friend was talking about her wonderful boyfriend, when all of a sudden she says “but you can never count on men”. When I asked why she thinks so, she explained that her father had four wives. Since she fundamentally doesn’t trust men, she says that she does not expect anything from them. And yet, as the oldest child she cares for her stepsiblings and talks about how she misses her boyfriend. Another friend was treated awfully by her husband, another was forsaken by her family… Despite the traumatizing experiences that some of them have had, in my eyes they are all beautiful because they continue to live with bright smiles, looking towards bright futures.  
最近、同年代の女性とゆっくり話す機会が何度かあったのですが、いつも笑顔でいる彼女たちの思いもよらない話に何度も驚かされています。大好きな彼の話をしていたのに、突然「でも男なんてあてにならない」と言うお友達。なぜそう思うのか聞いてみると、彼女の父親には4人奥さんがいたそうです。根本的に男を信用していないから、期待もしないという彼女。それでも、長女として異母兄弟を大事にし、彼に会いたいと話す友達。夫にひどい目にあった友達、家族に見放された友達・・・ 言葉を失う様な体験をしていても、笑顔で美しく、前を向いている彼女たちが本当に眩しく見えます。

Of course, this situation is not unique to Ghana. There are women facing similar problems all over the world, whether they live in a “developed” or “developing” country. Career, marriage, children… these are all issues that women around the globe worry over at least once in their lifetime.
My landlord's wife, Zifau, and her second son Salis.
We are the same age, but she always takes good care of me!

Cheers to the wonderful women in the world who face reality no matter what situation they find themselves in, do not give up on their dreams, and move forward with smiles on their faces!

もちろん、こういった状況はガーナ特有の話ではありません。「先進国」と言われる国でも「発展途上国」でも、同じ様な問題を抱える女性は多くいます。仕事や結婚、育児・・・ 世界中の女性が一度は悩むことでしょう。
