About Me

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Hikaru, and I am currently in Ghana as a JICA volunteer. I am Japanese, but have a very international background. This is my first time in Africa, though, so I am hoping to learn as much as I can during my two-year stay here! Hope you enjoy my blog :) 私のブログへようこそ!ガーナに青年海外協力隊員として派遣されている「ひかる」と申します。国籍も心も日本人ですが、海外生まれ海外育ちで少し異色なバックグラウンドを持っています。アフリカに住むのは初めてなので、ここにいる2年間の間にたくさん吸収したいと思っています。是非気軽にブログを読んでください!^^

Monday, November 5, 2012

How to Complain / 愚痴のこぼしかた

In Japan and many other countries around the world, people who don’t complain seem to be regarded as serious and hardworking, i.e. good people. That image is strong in my head too, so whenever I complain about something I end up regretting it afterwards, feeling that I’ve said too much, yet again.


However, once I started working in the “real world”, I started thinking that perhaps complaining is a sign that you are serious about something. You ask the “Why”s because you are seriously thinking about it. And as you start thinking of the “Why”s, you come up with other questions, and at times you get irritated, and then you complain because you think that things could be better “if only”!


Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can just complain as much as you want. Every society dislikes people that complain without taking any action. But, I think it is possible that if you are working hard on something and you complain, as you talk about it with someone you may find some new ideas, or even change your mind.


One thing I have been careful of since I came to Ghana is the “Local production and consumption” of complaints. If something upsets me, I first go to my colleagues at my assignment and tell them “This is what happened yesterday…” Then, the conversation usually runs as follows: “Oh, that’s terrible!” “Isn’t it? I was surprised too.” “Oh, don’t mind them, forget about it.” Then I usually end up feeling better about it.


Sometimes there are small discoveries. When I speak in Waali (the local language), there are times when the other person laughs at me even though I’m pretty sure I’m saying things correctly. This makes me worried that I might be wrong, but also a bit annoyed because I wish they wouldn’t laugh at me… but according to my boss, they laugh because it’s correct. He says that Ghanaians love to correct other people’s mistakes, so if I was wrong, they would tell me. But if I’m right, they get surprised that a foreigner got it right and they start laughing. (By the way, other people said the same thing to me later on so I think this is true.)


“Local production and consumption of complaints (LPCC for short)” helps to find out cultural differences lie this, but there’s another reason why I choose to do this: to not dislike Ghanaians. There are days when I am unlucky and meet annoying people at once, and I start wondering whether all Ghanaians are like them. If I end up complaining to people from Japan or other countries only, then we would just conclude with “Ghanaians are strange”. In other words, I would be separating “Them” and “Me”.


However, just as I would hate it if someone thought that all Japanese were horrible because of one person’s rude action, I also don’t want to think that all Ghanaians are the same. This is why I practice “LPCC”.


But…there are days when even my closest friends at the office won’t understand why I’m upset, or certain issues are simply foreigner-centric. Those times I do end up talking a little bit to my best friends or other volunteers.


That’s how I’ve been releasing the ever-building stress, and refreshing my mind for tomorrow.


Thank you so much to all the wonderful people who always listen to my stories.

But then again… I do wish I could mature a bit more so I can decrease the number of whines and complaints!


とは言いつつ・・・ 願わくばもう少し大人になって愚痴の数は減らしたいな。

Well. Now that the extremely busy months (Aug – Oct) is over and I have more time to breathe, I will really keep my promise and start updating my blog more often!

So, sneak preview of the next blog:  Interesting Roads in Ghana
Coming soon!


と言うわけで、次回予告: ガーナの面白道路


  1. Or it could be possible that those who refuse to complain are working on solutions that go around the problem.

    Case in point: For the past month, both of the ambulances in our municipality were taken out of service for repairs (which is a massively stupid idea). Complaining means you are failing to adapt and would get you the ire of some elected official who has control over the funding and get you in even more hot water. What I did was try to subvert the general population into reminding the officials the importance of the ambulances by having them knock at their doors in the middle of the night during emergencies to ask for help in transporting patients.

  2. I agree with you. My intention was not to say that those who do not complain are not doing anything.
