About Me

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Hikaru, and I am currently in Ghana as a JICA volunteer. I am Japanese, but have a very international background. This is my first time in Africa, though, so I am hoping to learn as much as I can during my two-year stay here! Hope you enjoy my blog :) 私のブログへようこそ!ガーナに青年海外協力隊員として派遣されている「ひかる」と申します。国籍も心も日本人ですが、海外生まれ海外育ちで少し異色なバックグラウンドを持っています。アフリカに住むのは初めてなので、ここにいる2年間の間にたくさん吸収したいと思っています。是非気軽にブログを読んでください!^^

Thursday, October 18, 2012

不満足 / Unsatisfied



Good evening, dear readers.

I wondered whether it would be appropriate to write about something serious after not updating my blog for so long… but I feel that if I don’t write down my thoughts today then I will forget them again, so I have decided to write it (partly for my own record).

ガーナに来て半年が経ちました。その間、本当に毎日様々なことが起きるので飽きることもなく、全力で突っ走ってきました。生活に慣れてきて、ご近所付き合いが少し上手になってきて、現地語が少しずつ理解できるようになって、友達や知り合いが増えて、仕事の量も増えて・・・ 家族や友人にメールを書く度に「充実した日々を送っています」と書いて、実際そう感じていました。


Half a year has passed since I arrived in Ghana. During this time, every day has been so eventful and active, and I’ve been running full speed. I feel more comfortable with life, I get along better with my neighbors, I am starting to understand the local language better, I have more friends and acquaintances, I have more work… so every time I write an e-mail to my friends and family, I have been writing “I am living very fulfilling days” and in fact, I honestly felt that way too.

However, even though my days were supposed to be fulfilling, in reality there were days when I was so stressed and tired. I wondered whether I should just keep going in this manner, but I erased those thoughts from my mind.



Then one day, I was speaking to a coworker about a proposal that we are currently writing at our NGO, and was telling him that I want to edit our proposal to make it better. My coworker said, “It’s already a good document compared to what other NGOs wrote so it should be okay” to which I replied “It doesn’t matter whether it’s better or worse compared to others, what is more important is whether we are satisfied with the document or not!”

After saying such cocky words to somebody else… I realize now that I can say the same thing to myself.



Right now, I am in a very fortunate environment. There are no major inconveniences in my life, I work with a great team at work, and recently some important jobs have been given to me. I’m so busy that I almost wish I had more free time. Thinking about other volunteers who are facing more dire situations, I felt like I shouldn't complain, and that I should be happy with status quo.

But being grateful and being satisfied are two different things.


It is important to determine whether you are satisfied with your condition now, whether it is better or worse than somebody else’s. The same can be said about our office and its activities. The NGO that I am assigned to is a very professional organization that does wonderful work. But, of course, it is not perfect. Just because they do great things compared to some other Ghanaian organizations, if they become satisfied there then there will not be any room for growth. I should ask questions when needed. I should state when I think something is wrong. I should agree when I think something is correct. Obviously! You may think… but it gets harder and harder to do the obvious when you get accustomed to a place.


The CEO of a company where I worked in used to say “If there is no change, people do not grow. The biggest obstacle to growth is routine”. He was a little bit extreme and used to change company rules every 3 months (even if there was no need). Every time I got used to a new rule, it would change to a different one, so of course there were times when I was confused or upset. However, that experience also taught me to be flexible in dealing with issues, and made me more confident.



I should always be looking for room for improvement, whilst still being grateful for what I have. I think I had been forgetting to think this way recently.

People say that new drivers become more prone to accidents when they start getting used to driving, but I think that can also be said about “living”. 6 months since my arrival in Ghana. I want to remain critical and observant, without being satisfied with status quo because “that’s how it is”. 

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