About Me

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Hikaru, and I am currently in Ghana as a JICA volunteer. I am Japanese, but have a very international background. This is my first time in Africa, though, so I am hoping to learn as much as I can during my two-year stay here! Hope you enjoy my blog :) 私のブログへようこそ!ガーナに青年海外協力隊員として派遣されている「ひかる」と申します。国籍も心も日本人ですが、海外生まれ海外育ちで少し異色なバックグラウンドを持っています。アフリカに住むのは初めてなので、ここにいる2年間の間にたくさん吸収したいと思っています。是非気軽にブログを読んでください!^^

Sunday, October 6, 2013

休暇と変化/ Vacation and Change


I took a longish break from the end of August and went back to Japan for about 2 weeks. It was so wonderful to see my parents, family, friends, boyfriend, i.e. all my favorite people after one and a half years. I used to be really sad that I don't really have a "hometown" because I've been abroad for so long, but this time, I realized that I'm very fortunate to have a house to go home to, with people that want to see me.
Food at home was wonderful, as always...



Before I went home, I thought that I would be surprised with the changes in Japan while I was away. But when I actually got home, things hadn't really changed much and I easily fit right back in. Come to think of it, I've "gone home to Japan" many times in the past, so I guess I'm no longer so sensitive to the greatness or weirdness of Japan.

A cat as shy as its owner... (at my parents' house)
But, there was a difference between those previous home visits and this trip, which was that I noticed a lot of changes in myself. It could be that it was easier to notice these changes because I was away for so long (I've never been away from Japan for such a prolonged period without a visit in between). At any rate, there were definite changes between the current me and the me that left Japan in March 2012.


These changes are really small. For example, I used to have a lot of difficulty throwing things away, but now I find that it's actually annoying to have too many things around. I found that waking  up in the morning was not as difficult as it was before. I was always late to things, but now I scheduled myself to get on an earlier bus to be on time. I was cooking more efficiently. A lot of my priorities had changed.


The change that made me think of Ghana the most, was the way I interact with strangers. I'm usually the type that likes to greet strangers, or pick up things that people drop, or help when someone is holding heavy parcels. But in Japan, these actions are sometimes considered to be annoying or intrusive. There were times when I tried to give my seat to somebody on the train and was given mean looks. Because of these unpleasant experiences, I started to hesitate and became a bit hostile to take action "when it could be taken the wrong way". It's funny, though, that once you stop a custom, then your body stops moving. I found that even when I saw somebody dropping something, my body would hesitate and I wouldn't be able to move, and this made me very disappointed with myself.

A little boy acting as my guide

But once I came to Ghana, I realized through the many wonderful kind actions that strangers show to me here, that perhaps it was the manner of my actions that was the problem. In Ghana, if you are lost then somebody will appear from nowhere and take you to your destination and disappear. The same thing if you are holding big luggage. The way they help is so natural and friendly, so you accept their offers honestly without being too hesitant or suspicious.


It's not like I really though about this before, actually, but I found that when I went back home this time, I was once again picking up people's hats and helping strangers with their bags. I'm not sure if I was able to act smartly like Ghanaians... but I was happy to find that I was able to move again.


Unfortunately (or maybe I should say obviously) not all changes were good. I used to like listening to people's stories, but I noticed this time around that I was no longer such a careful listener. For every step forward there's a small step backwards, isn't there. Improvement is so difficult!

My house in Wa

So! My wonderful vacation was over and I came back to Ghana. Here, too, I fit right back in and didn't feel awkward coming back, so I guess Ghana has also become one of my "homes" now. A major difference, though, is that I gave my pet cat, Chuu, who was my lovely roommate for about 10 months, to my parents after giving it a lot of thought... so my house has become empty and boring again.

Chuu, while she was still in Ghana

But, life has its way of working out, and it's probably a good thing that I am lonely without Chuu because it is a crucial time for my work right now and I should be focusing on that. The next 2-3 months are going to be really important, not just for my assignment organization, but for my career, as I will be tackling a new challenge. I can't relax just because I only have 6 months left!



I will write in more detail about this career step-up deal in my next blog!
OK, for those of you who just thought "Oh gosh, Hikaru, you always say that you'll write again and then you don't update for many weeks"...
because the details of the next blog are really important for me to write down now, I promise to be updating very soon.

So, see you again, very soon. Wishing good health and safety to all my readers...

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