About Me

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Hikaru, and I am currently in Ghana as a JICA volunteer. I am Japanese, but have a very international background. This is my first time in Africa, though, so I am hoping to learn as much as I can during my two-year stay here! Hope you enjoy my blog :) 私のブログへようこそ!ガーナに青年海外協力隊員として派遣されている「ひかる」と申します。国籍も心も日本人ですが、海外生まれ海外育ちで少し異色なバックグラウンドを持っています。アフリカに住むのは初めてなので、ここにいる2年間の間にたくさん吸収したいと思っています。是非気軽にブログを読んでください!^^

Saturday, March 31, 2012

And Mefloquine Friday... / そしてメフロキン曜日

Hello again!

Two blog posts in a row! I know, a little too much bu I have to post this today while it is still Friday. Today marks the beginning of "Mefloquine Friday" (the joke is lost in English... sorry... if you want me to explain just ask).
What is "Mefloquine", you may ask? Well, it is the wonderful pill that will save us from malaria for the next two years... as long as we drink it once a week and don't forget. We have decided to make this day Friday, so every Friday from now on is a Mefloquine Friday.

Apparently there are possibly terrible side effects where you get really bad nightmares and headaches and you feel like you are in another world with rainbows and butterflies... but so far it looks like I'm immune to all that, thankfully.



Malaria is a very serious disease that can lead to death, so JICA has been very VERY careful to make sure that we are aware of the risks and are doing our best to avoid the disease. The first day they gave us mosquito coils and insect repellent cream, and today we have the strongest friend of all - Mefloquine! If, however, we still manage to get malaria OR, god forbid, we don't follow instructions and don't drink the medicine and find ourselves with a super high fever in the middle of the night, we have to use a testing kit to check if the worst prediction is true.

マラリアは本当に危険な病気で死に至る可能性もあるので、JICAは訓練時から何度もその危険性について私たちに教えて下さっています。着いた当日にすぐに蚊取り線香と虫よけクリームが支給され、さらに今日一番強力な助っ人 ―メフロキン― を頂きました。それでもマラリアに掛かってしまったり、恩を犠牲にして注意を無視するようなことがあって、ある日突然信じられない高熱が出て倒れた場合には検査キットを使って確認する必要があります。

In order to test, you have to stick a needle into your fingertip, draw blood and do a quick test. Easy, but not fun! Let's hope that none of us will have to use this kit ever again. (The pictures are from a test try, by the way)


Ghanian Food 101 / ガーナ料理入門編

Hello Readers!

Many people have been asking me what people eat in Ghana... and I finally have an answer that is not straight out of a guidebook! Yesterday, some JICA staff took us out for lunch to enjoy an authentic Ghanian meal. Mr. Kumah, a JICA program officer and our teacher on Ghanian culture, taught us about each dish and also showed us how to eat it.


The place we went to was called a "Chop Bar". This is the name for local restaurants and shops where they sell traditional food. Apparently "chop" mean to eat in Ghanian English, so if you are talking to a close friend, you can say "Chale, let's go chop" which roughly means "Hey friend, let's go eat".


               (Left) The Menu    (左)メニュー
               (Above) Soups and dishes in the kitchen

There was a menu on the table, but usually the dishes are already made so it is easier to just ask what they have ready, or go look at the kitchen and choose what to eat there.


 What you see here are some of the dishes we had... the bread-like dough is Banku which is fermented corn dough. It is a little bit sour. There is also a similar dough (not in the picture) called Fufu which is made from cassava.

You soak the Banku in palm nut soup (the red soup you see in the back). The red bean rice in front is called Waakye, pronounced like "Wache". My favorite was a dish called "Palaver Sauce" which was a spicy mix of green vegetables, eaten with yam. Very delicious!



Everything in Ghana must be done with your right hand. I read in books that this was because the left hand was considered to be evil, but according to Mr. Kumah, before modern times people used to clean themselves using their left hand after using the restroom, etc. and so this rule came out of hygienic purposes. Anyways, eating is not an exception and you must eat everything with your right hand alone, which can be slightly tricky.

Overall it was a wonderfully delicious meal, though, and I'm excited not only to eat more but perhaps learn how to cook these dishes within the next two years!



Friday, March 30, 2012

Hello from Ghana! / ガーナからこんにちは☆

Dear readers,

On March 27, Team Ghana flew from Tokyo to London, stayed a night at a hotel in Heathrow Airport, and then took another long flight over to Accra and finally found ourselves in Ghana. The first picture is from Heathrow... my two lovely colleagues of Team Ghana, Seena and Hayashi-san, waiting patiently for our flight!

So, first impressions... I have to say, everything about the airport and the road to our hotel really reminded me of Manila, Philippines, where I grew up. I guess the heat and humidity and the general energy of the city is similar, and so I feel more at "home" than "away" right now. But, of course the two cultures are very different and so I am keeping an open eye and mind to appreciate everything about Ghanian culture!

The pictures below (inserted inside the Japanese paragraphs) are of the lovely hotel that we are currently staying at, before moving to the JICA dormitory in a couple nights. Thankfully it's close to the JICA office where we will be having many orientation sessions to get us acquainted with the local culture and traditions.

All in all, a very positive start for the next two years.

I am happy, beyond excited, and life is really good right now.










Monday, March 26, 2012

Leaving Tomorrow! / いよいよ出発!

Dear readers,

I am all packed and ready to leave for Ghana... tomorrow! It's going to be a long flight... We are first flying to London, staying overnight at an airport hotel, and then flying to Accra so we will actually get there on March 28th.

I'm pretty sure that I packed too much unnecessary stuff and too little necessary stuff, but that's life. I'm not too worried though. Things usually work out in the end.

To all of you who are also leaving to your respective host countries - good luck!
And to my friends... I will miss you all very much. Keep in touch!

My next post will hopefully be from Accra :)





そして、友人や家族のみなさま・・・ しばらく会えなくなるのは本当に寂しいですが、これからもブログやメールを通じて連絡しましょう!

それでは、次回の投稿はアクラから ^^


Sunday, March 18, 2012

An Introduction / 自己紹介

Dear friends and random readers,

Welcome to my blog!
My name is Hikaru, and I am preparing for a two year volunteer program in Wa, Ghana starting on March 27th, 2012.
I will be going there as a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer (JOCV) and will be working for two years with a Ghanian NGO as a Program Officer.

I'm hoping to keep this blog as a sort of diary to keep track of my days there, and to also use this to communicate with my friends around the world and let them know how I am doing.

Please feel free to comment and leave messages!





