About Me

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Hikaru, and I am currently in Ghana as a JICA volunteer. I am Japanese, but have a very international background. This is my first time in Africa, though, so I am hoping to learn as much as I can during my two-year stay here! Hope you enjoy my blog :) 私のブログへようこそ!ガーナに青年海外協力隊員として派遣されている「ひかる」と申します。国籍も心も日本人ですが、海外生まれ海外育ちで少し異色なバックグラウンドを持っています。アフリカに住むのは初めてなので、ここにいる2年間の間にたくさん吸収したいと思っています。是非気軽にブログを読んでください!^^

Monday, May 21, 2012

About My Assignment / 活動について

I am sorry that it has been two weeks since my last post, despite my promise to update at least once a week. It has been 3 weeks since I arrived in Wa, and everyday has been a mixture of happiness, anger, sadness and fun (as we say in Japanese). One recurring thought is that, despite differences in “culture” and “language”, people are really not that different around the world. My honest opinion is that every country has their nice people, fun people, people who talk too much, people who make fun of you, etc.

ProNet Office ・ プロネットノースのオフィス
But, today I am not going to talk about that but would like to discuss my assignment in Ghana. After all, I didn’t come here to just have fun! I have been assigned as a Program Officer to a local NGO called ProNet North which operates in the northern areas of Ghana. I am actually the third JICA volunteer – in 2007 there was a Rural Community Development Officer (female), and in 2009 there was a Program Officer (male) working here. Since I am the third one, everyone in the NGO knows a lot about Japan and Japanese people, and sometimes in the mornings they greet me with “Ohayou Gozaimasu!” (Good morning in Japanese).


ProNet North initially began work on water supply issues, but because Northern Ghana, especially Upper West Region (Wa is the regional capital) is a very poor area suffering from various issues, they naturally began increasing their project areas. Currently they work on multiple projects dealing with areas such as water, environment, education, women’s rights, livelihoods, risk management and others. This year marks their 17th anniversary, and if you look at the projects they undertake and their donor list, you can tell that they are highly trusted both domestically and internationally. The staff members are all very hardworking, warm-hearted, and proud of their job. They teach me so many things every day.
With my co-workers Mavis, Emma and their daughters / 同僚のマヴィスとエマ、そして娘さん達と


To be honest, at first I was apprehensive whether there was any way that a development rookie like me could contribute to such a veteran organization. But after talking with the ProNet staff and learning about the organization, I am slowly beginning to see my role here. ProNet is currently preparing for change. They want to change from simply undertaking projects from donors, to becoming an independent group. This means that advertisement and public relations become really important, and there is also a need to keep records of past achievements. I have always liked working on PR related things, and keeping records and evaluations are part of what I studied at graduate school, so I feel these are areas where I can contribute in some way.
Our Resource Center / オフィスの「ライブラリー」


Please take a look at our newly updated ProNet website! (I helped edit parts of it too) J


Carrying a baby Ghanaian-style! /
Anyone who has been involved in development would agree that development is a very difficult field. The “right” methods and evaluations and answers change continuously, and the fact is that there are many disappointments associated with this job. I know that in the next two years I will see many happy moments and many disappointing moments and my emotions will fluctuate between hope and despair. My hope is though, that I will take in all of those experiences and be able to form my own ideas and thoughts in the process.


1 comment:

  1. You are, fortunately, enjoying your activity in Ghana. That's nice. Update your days in Ghana at your pace so that we can know.
